What happens after the OCP Open House?

    After the open house will be that a report is prepared for Council with a recommendation to either support the application and move into the formal Bylaw process or to not support the application.

    If the application is supported, it will move into consideration of readings and a public hearing. 

    What happens with my input?

    All the comments from the open house will be compiled and summarized in the report that goes to Council. The applicant will be provided with the comments for their consideration as well.

    I have questions, how do I get answers?

    The best way to get your questions answered is to contact the file manager by email at csbreception@vernon.ca or by phone at 250.550.3634.

    What is an Official Community Plan?

    Vernon’s Official Community Plan (OCP) defines the vision of the community–how the community sees itself growing and developing in the future and ultimately what kind of place Vernon will be. This community driven vision is balanced with Vernon's expected population growth, opportunities for development and the availability of resources for infrastructure projects. 

    Look in the important links tab for a link to the full OCP document.

    What is an OCP amendment application?

    When someone wants to develop their properties in a manner not shown in the OCP, they apply to amend the OCP. This gives an opportunity for the application to be reviewed against the goals and priorities of the OCP and provides an opportunity to comment on the application. 

    The process for amending the OCP is set out in the Local Government Act. 

    What is the difference between an open house and a public hearing?

    An open house in an informal opportunity to review the information, provide feedback and ask questions. The public hearing is a part of the legislative process of bylaw amendments. Public hearings happen with Council and are an opportunity to provide formal comments on what community members think about the proposed amendment.