Encouraging Secondary Suites in our Community

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Access to housing is critical for the social and economic well-being of our community.

City Council endorsed a new Housing Action Plan (see Documents on the right sidebar) on September 26, 2022. This plan builds on many years of collaborative community effort to encourage the development of affordable housing options in Vernon. Given that the secondary suite rental sector plays a very important role in meeting rental housing demand, the Plan calls for encouraging the creation of rental suites both within single family homes and in detached carriage houses or secondary dwellings.

The diagram below illustrates some of the forms that suites may take within primary dwelling units, as well as a detached secondary dwelling unit (sometimes called "carriage house" or "laneway house") on the same lot. Suites and secondary dwellings help increase affordable housing options by expanding our community's rental stock. They gently add density to the City and make efficient use of land and infrastructure. The BC Building Code once only allowed secondary suites in single family dwellings. Since 2019, the Code allows secondary suites in detached houses, semi-detached houses, row houses and townhouses (see diagram below). Municipalities can decide whether to allow these uses; these options are currently not allowed in the City of Vernon's Zoning Bylaw #5000.

Improving the housing situation in a community involves all levels of government. It also involves developers, builders and non-profit housing providers. Individual home owners have a part to play through creating and renting out suites to the long term rental market.

The City is now reviewing regulations with the goal of making it easier for people to build safe and affordable suites in our community.

Please take the survey below. The survey will be open until March 24, 2023. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Access to housing is critical for the social and economic well-being of our community.

City Council endorsed a new Housing Action Plan (see Documents on the right sidebar) on September 26, 2022. This plan builds on many years of collaborative community effort to encourage the development of affordable housing options in Vernon. Given that the secondary suite rental sector plays a very important role in meeting rental housing demand, the Plan calls for encouraging the creation of rental suites both within single family homes and in detached carriage houses or secondary dwellings.

The diagram below illustrates some of the forms that suites may take within primary dwelling units, as well as a detached secondary dwelling unit (sometimes called "carriage house" or "laneway house") on the same lot. Suites and secondary dwellings help increase affordable housing options by expanding our community's rental stock. They gently add density to the City and make efficient use of land and infrastructure. The BC Building Code once only allowed secondary suites in single family dwellings. Since 2019, the Code allows secondary suites in detached houses, semi-detached houses, row houses and townhouses (see diagram below). Municipalities can decide whether to allow these uses; these options are currently not allowed in the City of Vernon's Zoning Bylaw #5000.

Improving the housing situation in a community involves all levels of government. It also involves developers, builders and non-profit housing providers. Individual home owners have a part to play through creating and renting out suites to the long term rental market.

The City is now reviewing regulations with the goal of making it easier for people to build safe and affordable suites in our community.

Please take the survey below. The survey will be open until March 24, 2023. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Encouraging the development of rental suites involves balancing the needs of everyone in the community. In this survey, we would like to hear about what is important to you. Thank you in advance for taking the time to participate.

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Page last updated: 17 Jan 2024, 12:59 PM