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Phase 1 Community Survey

About the survey

We are updating our Official Community Plan and Transportation Plan and we’d like to hear from you! Together, these plans are the blueprint for our community's growth and development, shaping our neighborhoods and transportation networks for the next 20 years. In this first phase of engagement, we’d like to know what you value most about living in Vernon, and your ideas on the following topics:

  • Housing and neighbourhoods
  • Transportation and infrastructure
  • Recreation, parks and trails
  • Climate and environmental stewardship
  • Economic development


Your survey results will be kept confidential. Results of the survey will be reported without identifying any individual participants. At the end of the survey, we have a few questions about you. These questions help us to understand who we have heard from in our community so we can ensure that our engagement reaches as many diverse people in our community as possible.


Should you have any questions about this survey, please contact Planning & Community Services by email at or by phone at 250-550-3634.

The survey will be open until July 1, 2024.

Thank you very much for your participation!