Kin Race Track Athletic Park Concept Design

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The City is planning a new park at the former Kin Race Track site. The proposed new Active Living Centre is also planned for this site. This park is meant to provide year-round outdoor activities for all ages in the form of outdoor sports amenities, indoor and outdoor ice surfaces, recreational trails, a dog park, and natural wetland trails.

Public feedback

We thank you for your valuable feedback in Phase 1 (please refer to the 'Project Timeline' on the right, for more details). City Council has provided direction that led to a draft concept plan for the Kin Race Track Athletic Park site, and has requested public feedback on the concept plan.

We invite you to share your thoughts on the new concept design. A map of the concept plan is provided below for you to take in the design at a glance. Each proposed feature is numbered and corresponds to a label on the legend provided in the detailed Concept Plan, which can be downloaded at the 'Concept Plan and Presentation' link on the right sidebar. Once you have reviewed the design, please provide your feedback by completing the survey below.

The survey will be open until Monday, May 23, 2022. Thank you for your time.

Download PDF of the Map with Legend


The City is planning a new park at the former Kin Race Track site. The proposed new Active Living Centre is also planned for this site. This park is meant to provide year-round outdoor activities for all ages in the form of outdoor sports amenities, indoor and outdoor ice surfaces, recreational trails, a dog park, and natural wetland trails.

Public feedback

We thank you for your valuable feedback in Phase 1 (please refer to the 'Project Timeline' on the right, for more details). City Council has provided direction that led to a draft concept plan for the Kin Race Track Athletic Park site, and has requested public feedback on the concept plan.

We invite you to share your thoughts on the new concept design. A map of the concept plan is provided below for you to take in the design at a glance. Each proposed feature is numbered and corresponds to a label on the legend provided in the detailed Concept Plan, which can be downloaded at the 'Concept Plan and Presentation' link on the right sidebar. Once you have reviewed the design, please provide your feedback by completing the survey below.

The survey will be open until Monday, May 23, 2022. Thank you for your time.

Download PDF of the Map with Legend

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We're looking for your input to help shape the final concept design for the redevelopment of the Kin Race Track lands to become a new athletic park in Vernon. Results of the survey will be shared with City Council.

    This survey will be open until May 23, 2022.

    Share Kin Race Track Athletic Park Concept Design on Facebook Share Kin Race Track Athletic Park Concept Design on Twitter Share Kin Race Track Athletic Park Concept Design on Linkedin Email Kin Race Track Athletic Park Concept Design link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share Phase 1 survey (Closed December 18, 2021) on Facebook Share Phase 1 survey (Closed December 18, 2021) on Twitter Share Phase 1 survey (Closed December 18, 2021) on Linkedin Email Phase 1 survey (Closed December 18, 2021) link
Page last updated: 11 Jul 2024, 03:54 PM