Vernon Climate Action Plan

Vernon Climate Action Plan Cover Page


The City of Vernon has spent two years developing a draft Climate Action Plan through extensive research and public consultation. The purpose of the Climate Action plan is to set out how our community will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

Council has endorsed the draft plan in principle for the purposes of community engagement. The draft plan has been uploaded in the documents tab on the side bar or you can visit our interactive Climate Action Plan site.


The City of Vernon has spent two years developing a draft Climate Action Plan through extensive research and public consultation. The purpose of the Climate Action plan is to set out how our community will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

Council has endorsed the draft plan in principle for the purposes of community engagement. The draft plan has been uploaded in the documents tab on the side bar or you can visit our interactive Climate Action Plan site.

Guest Book

Tell us your ideas for taking action on Climate Change
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I would like to see school students k- college, encouraged to plant trees an shrubs in public places. There is an increasing awareness of the benefits of trees including carbon sequestering. Currently there seems to be hesitancy on the part of the City in this regard though schools are willing. There would be very little expense to the City. Many of Vernon's parks are primarily mown grass. Many communities are developing pocket forests and planting indigenous trees and shrubs to provide habitat for native species. I note that citizens are encouraged to buy plants from nurseries but I believe the emphasis should be on native plants that have co evolved with birds and wild life in the Okanagan.

Kim Fulton almost 4 years ago

1. Talk about transitions.
2. Give examples of easy but high impact first and easy actions. Success builds success.
2. Give many examples of actions to take, from small to large impacts, cost and/or effort.
3. Include people from all demographics in planning with considerations of plan impacts on different demographic groups.
4. Build community resilience. Promote Block Watch for a good start.

wilsoned over 4 years ago
Page last updated: 27 Aug 2024, 11:42 AM